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Multiple Choices:
1. Corporate
Governance is________.
a) About ethical
conduct in businessb) Direct or indirect concerns in the organization
c) A manufacturing system
d) None of the above
2. The term
corporate governance is derived from the__________.
a) Greek wordb) English word
c) French word
d) Latin word
3. The
definition “Corporate Governance is the system by which business directed and
controlled” is given by
committeeb) OECD committee
c) Cadbury committee
d) All of the above
4. Internal
control is implemented by the________.
a) Board of
directorsb) Audit committee
c) Management
d) All of the above
5. OECD stands
6. Which of the
following have the power to hire fire and compensate the top management?
a) Board of
directorsb) Audit committee
c) Shareholders
d) Management
7. CII stands
for ______________
8. The managers
are expected to act in the interest of:
a) Audit
committeeb) Stakeholders
c) Employees
d) Customers
9. To endorse
the organization strategy, develop directional policy, appoint, supervise and
remunerate senior executives and to ensure accountability of the organization
to its owners and authorities is the responsibility of:
a) CEOb) Manager
c) Top management
d) Board of directors
10. SEBI stands
11. The role of
corporate governance is_______
a) To ensure the
efficient use of resourcesb) It increases the shareholders’ value
c) Reduce the procurement and inventory cost
d) All of the above
12. Which of the
following is not the issue of corporate governance?
a) Internal
controlb) Compensation of CEO and other directors
c) Management of risk
d) Rights of corporation
13. The annual
report should not include
a) How decision
are taken by the boardb) The name of the chairman, CEO and other directors
c) Ability to hire management
d) The number of meeting
14. __________
is equal to the market price of his holding in shares.
a) Stakeholders
wealthb) Ethical conduct
c) Shareholder’s wealth
d) None of these
15. The key
element of good corporate governance principle include
a) Honestyb) Mutual respect
c) Performance orientation
d) All of the above
16. SOX stands
17. The commonly
accepted principle of corporate governance are___________
a) Protection of
shareholders rightb) Role and responsibilities of board
c) Interest of other stakeholders
d) All of the above
18. CII
developed code of corporate governance in__________________
a) 1997b) 1996
c) 1994
d) 1878
19. The property
right is views simply as _________________
a) Planning
rightb) Control right
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
20. In which
type of model the supervisory board is elected by shareholders and labor
a) Japanese
modelb) Anglo American model
c) German model
d) The Indian perspective
21. Which of the
following come under the five principles of ethical power for organization?
a) Purposeb) Pride
c) Patience
d) All of the above
22. Which of the
following are the theories of corporate governance?
a) Shareholders
theory vs. stakeholders’ theoryb) Stewardship theory
c) Property right theory
d) All of the above
23. The
stewardship theory is__________
a) Control
orientedb) Involvement oriented
c) Both a &b
d) None of these
24. ____________
include government nominees and representatives of financial institutions.
a) Board of
directorsb) Creditors, suppliers
c) Nominee directors
d) Chief executive officer
25. The
__________ oversees internal control and disclosure controls and procedures for
financial reporting.
a) Nominating
committeeb) Audit committee
c) Board committee
d) Higgs committee
26. MDAR stands
27. Liaison committee
designed to make a link between two groups or committees.
a) Trueb) False
28. Cadbury
committee established in______________
a) 1999b) 1995
c) 1992
d) 2002
29. How many
recommendation is made by CII code
a) 17
b) 18c) 16
d) 19
30. Kumar mangalam
committee is appointed by the__________
c) Government
d) None of the above
31. The
remuneration of the non-executive directors should be decided by the______
a) Board of
directorsb) Top management
c) Stakeholders
d) Entire board
32. Which of the
following committee was appointed by the SEBI to make recommendations on the representation
of independent directors on company board and the composition of audit committee?
a) Cadbury
committeeb) Kumar mangalam committee
c) Naresh Chandra committee
d) Board committee
33. Basic
shareholders rights include the right to.
a) Secure
methods of ownershipb) Convey or transfer shares
c) Participate and vote in general shareholder meetings
d) All of the above
34. Which of the
following is use to ensure that the takeover bids are serious?
a) Disclosureb) Trigger
c) Escrow
d) Creeping acquisition
35. Which of the
following are the natures of complaints by shareholders?
a) Non receipt
of dividendb) Change of address
c) Transmission of shares
d) All of the above
36. The word
“transmission” means -
a) Transfer by
operation of lawb) Transfer by operation
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
37. Competition,
debt covenants, takeover and media pressure are the_____
a) Internal
corporate governance controlsb) External corporate governance control
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
38. Simple
directors who attends board meeting of a company and participate of a company
and participate in the matters before the board is -
a) Ordinary
directorsb) Managing directors
c) Executive directors
d) Shadow directors
39. The director
who perform a specific role in a company under a service contract which requires
a regular, possibly daily, involvement in management is known as________
a) Non-executive
directorb) Additional director
c) Executive director
d) Ordinary director
40. Which of the
following is the duty of directors?
a) Statutory
dutiesb) Duties of general nature
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
a) Duty of good faith
b) Duty of care
c) Duty not to delegate
d) To disclose interest
42. A document
that specifies the regulations for a company’s operation is known as________
a) Memorandum of
associationb) Articles of association
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
43. Any person,
company, or other institution that owns at least one share in a company is
known as________
a) Stakeholderb) Employees
c) Shareholder
d) Customer
44. Nomination
committee is appointed by the
a) CEOb) Board of directors
c) Management
d) Audit committee
45. The profit
earned by the company with reference to the cost of capital in terms of
economic profit is referred to as______
Pay-performanceb) Organization bylaws
c) Economic value added
d) None of the above
46. Which of the
following are the types of the auditor?
a) Internalb) External
c) Government
d) All of the above
47. The auditors
specialize in crimes and are used by law enforcement organization when financial
documents are involved in a crime is known as_______
a) Forensic
auditorb) Government auditor
c) External auditor
d) Internal auditor
48. Set of
standards against which the quality of audits is performed and may be judges
a) Generally
accepted accounting principlesb) General accepted auditing standards
c) Audit
d) None of the above
49. A
______________ audit is a review in which an auditor analyzes and verifies
various records and processes relating to a company’s quality programs.
a) Cost auditb) Forensic audit
c) Quality audit
d) None of the above
50. The
important aspects of cost audit are_______
a) Property
auditb) Efficiency audit
c) Both a & b
d) Government audit
51. SICA stands
52. BIFR stands
53. Basic
principles of audit are_______________
a) Integrity,
objectivity & independence
c) Documentationd) All of the above
54. As per the
SEBI guidelines, the audit committee shall meet at leasta)
a) Twice a yearb) Thrice a year
c) Once a year
d) None of the above
_________________ opined that the chairman of the audit committee should be an independent
a) Cadbury
committeeb) Board committee
c) KM Birla committee
d) Audit committee
56. An audit
committee should aware of technological changes, which is_________________ risk/condition.
a) Internalb) External
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
57. The
committees of the board involve_________________
a) Supervisory
committeeb) Risk management committee
c) Shareholders’ redressal committee
d) All of these
58. NBFCs stands
59. CSR stands
60. Which of the
following is the essential of accord of Basel II?
a) Capital
adequacyb) Risk based supervision
c) Market disclosure
d) All of the above
61. Which of the
following are the objectives of Basel II ?
a) To promote
adequate capitalization of banksb) To ensure better risk management
c) To strengthen the stability of banking system
d) All of the above
62. The ganguly
committee is of the view that the draft minutes of the board meeting should be
forwarded to the director’s within______________ hours of meeting.
a) 56b) 64
c) 48
d) 32
63. In which
ethical principle of the business ethics are measured by rightness of an act
and depend little on the results of this act?
a) Teleological
ethical systemb) Deontological ethical system
c) Hybrid theory
d) Individual freedom
64. One of the
major ethical issue in advertising is the use of______________
a) Trueb) False
65. Major social
responsibilities of business involve
a) Optimum
utilization of scarce national resourcesb) Responsibility no to make losses
c) Improve quality of life
d) All of above
66. Government
is thinking of making it mandatory for the companies to spend_________________%
of their net profits on CSR.
a) 2b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
67. It is the
responsibility of the firm towards its________________ to avoid any type of
cartel formation that a attempts to reap monopoly profits.
a) Shareholdersb) Customers
c) Employees
d) Management
68. Four
important group that business are shareholders, employees, customers
a) Managementb) Board of director
c) Society
d) Stakeholder
69. NGO stands
70. Employees
should get_________________ wages
a) Clearb) Minimum
c) Maximum
d) Fair
71. Objectives
of environmental audit are__________
a) Verification
of legislative and regulatory complianceb) Assessment of internal policy and procedural conformamance
c) Establishment of current practice status
d) All of the above
72. Review of
documents and records, Review of policies, interviews are comes under which
a) Pre-audit
stageb) Post-audit stage
c) Audit stage
d) None
73. Environment
protection act was passed in________________ for the protection of environment.
a) 1988b) 1999
c) 1986
d) 1990
74. The
financial or non-financial support of an activity, used primarily to reach the
given business goals is_______
a) Mediab) Finance
c) Both a &b
d) Sponsorship
75. A printed
report giving news or information of interest to a special group.
a) Newsletterb) Formal meeting
c) Mailing list
d) Media release
76. Media can be
used to promote_______________ communication.
a) One wayb) Two way
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
77. Businesses
arrange for______________ meetings with powerful stakeholders.
a) Information
displayb) Public forum
c) Formal meeting
d) Informal meeting
78. MRTP stands
79. IRDA stands
80. It is said
to be exist where there is a large number of procedures (firms) producing a
same kind of product.
a) Monopoly
competitionb) Monopolistic competition
c) Perfect competition
d) None of the above
81. Which of the
following aspects of economic activity is not control by MRTP?
a) Restrictive
on buying/sellingb) Unfair trade practices
c) Concentration of economic power
d) Restrictive trade practices
82. Price
control is the restriction on maximum prices that is established and maintained
by the government.
a) Trueb) False
83. Public
policy is an attempt by the government to address a private issue.
a) Trueb) False
84. The SEBI was
established on________________
a) March 12,
1992b) September 14, 1992
c) April 12, 1992
d) June 15, 1993
85. The seller
of the security is________
a) Bearb) Bull
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
86. Insider
trading can be defined as the sale or purchase of securities by persons who
possess price sensitive information about the company.
a) Trueb) False
87. ___________
makes a commitment to get the underwritten issue subscribed either by other or
by them.
Utilitarianismb) Underwriters
c) Insider trading
d) None of the above
88. The board of
SEBI consists of_______________
a) 8b) 7
c) 4
d) 6
89. SEBI has
three functions rolled into one body quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial, and
a) Trueb) False
90. SEBI is the
regulator for the securities market in India.
a) Trueb) False
91. AMFI stands
92. Buying a
commodity at a low price and instantly selling it for a higher price in another
market is known as________
a) Hedgingb) Speculating
c) Arbitrage
d) Shifting of risk
93. An
over-the-counter market where buyers and sellers conduct foreign exchange
a) Commodity
exchangeb) Foreign direct investment
d) None of the above
94. Licensing
grant a permit to aloe the use of something or to allow a business activity to
take place.
a) Trueb) False
95. Government
often uses quotas to restrict export.
a) Trueb) False
96. Private
companies can enjoy the right to transfer shares.
a) Trueb) False
97. India has 22
stock exchanges.
a) Trueb) False
98. Foreign
companies are those, which have been incorporated outside India and conduct
business in India.
a) Trueb) False
99. Clause 49
has been prepared by the Reserve Bank of India.
a) Trueb) False
100. Corporate
Governance ensures easy access to capital.
a) Trueb) False
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