Thursday, 2 March 2017



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1. What is management and its three distinct aspects.

2. Disadvantages of an informal organization.

3. Describe types of departmentation with examples.

4. Distinguish between delegation & decentralization.

5. Describe types of internal coordination.

6. What is decentralization?

7. Define leadership and state the qualities of a successful leader.

8. What is motivation? What are the different methods that can be used to motivate employees?

9. Explain similarities between the line organization & line and staff organization.

10. Describe on the part of the subordinate difficulty in weakness of delegation.

11. Explain main tools of operational research in decision making.

12. Explain factors influencing group cohesiveness.

13. Explain trait theory of leadership.

14. Define Staffing.

15. What is Power Motive?

16. Management is what management does. Explain.

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